Your ChemNet Account will not be created until you have completed and passed the Privacy Matters Fundamental Training. Use your CWL credentials to login and register. You will need to pass the both trainings.
Take the quiz here: and
I have read and agree to the rules and policy set out in the document “Policy #104: Responsible Use of Information Technology Facilities and Services”, ( ) and "Privacy of email system" ( ).
Use at least 4 characters and no more than 12 characters, suggestion of first initial and last name, NO SPACES, NO DOTs (.), NO SYMBOLS (-!#$&) and NO HYPHENS. E.g. Anthony Richardson - arichard
* Your username will be used as your email address with Chemistry. Ex. arichard will be
Here are some highlights from the UBC Responsible Use Policy. Reading these highlights does not replace reading the full document. It is recommended that you read it prior to submitting this form which can be found at
  • Computer IDs, accounts, and other communication facilities are to be used for authorized purposes. Incidental personal use is acceptable as long as it does not interfere with use of the facility for its intended purpose and, in the case of employees, as long as it does not interfere with his or her job performance.
  • Breaches of this policy may be subject to the full range of disciplinary and other formal actions. In addition to any other sanctions that the University may levy in the event of a violation, UBC may withdraw computing privileges and network access.
  • Examples of illegal uses
    The following are representative examples only and do not comprise a comprehensive list:
    • Uttering threats
    • Pyramid schemes
    • Copyright infringement
  • Examples of Unacceptable Uses
    The following are representative examples only and do not comprise a comprehensive list:
    • Making unauthorized copies of proprietary software, or offering unauthorized copies of proprietary software to others
    • Copying someone else’s files, or programs, or examining such information unless authorized
    • Attempting to circumvent computer security methods or operating systems
    • Using University-provided computer accounts for commercial purposes such as promoting by broadcast non-educational profit-driven products or services