• If you meet the prerequisite for CHEM 121: you do not take the BST.
  • You only need to take the BST if:
    • You do not have British Columbia CHEM 12 or its equivalent
    • You want to register for CHEM 111, and you are not a student in the Faculty of Science working towards a B.Sc. degree. (Optional: Students in the Faculty of Science working towards a B.Sc. degree may want to write the BST to assess their academic preparation for CHEM 111 and, based on BST results, may opt to take the CHEM 100-CHEM 121-CHEM 123 path. For example, international students with SCI 10 as their most senior CHEM course in high school may prefer this academic path.)
  • Students without British Columbia CHEM 11 who want to take CHEM 100 can self-register onto the CHEM 100 wait-list, and do not have to write the Chemistry BST. These students will not be considered for CHEM 111 registration.

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Registration closed for 2023 - will re-open Summer 2024.